- Quantity:
- 20
- FFL_Required:
- false
- ffl_type:
- ammo
- _BulletWeight:
- 75
- _CustomShortDesc:
- The Tula Ammo 223REM 75HP offers precision and power for hunting and target shooting. Reliable, high-performance cartridges in 20-round boxes.
- _Capacity:
- 20
- _SEOKeywords:
- Tula Ammo 223REM, Tula 223REM 75HP, Tula Ammo 75HP, Tula 223REM ammunition, Tula 223REM 20 rounds, Tula Ammo 814950011241, Tula 223REM high performance, Tula 223REM hunting ammo, Tula 223REM rifle ammo, Tula 223REM cartridges
- _CustomLongDesc:
- The TULA TA223675 223REM 75HP 20 from Tula Ammo is a top-tier choice for firearm enthusiasts seeking reliable and high-performance ammunition. Engineered for precision and power, this Tula 223REM ammunition is designed to meet the demands of both hun
- _Quantity:
- 20