- Quantity:
- 20
- FFL_Required:
- false
- ffl_type:
- ammo
- _SEOKeywords:
- Tula Ammo 223, 223 Remington ammo, Tula 223 55gr, 223 hollow point ammo, Tula 223REM 55HP, 223 Remington 55 grain, Tula 223 ammunition, 223 Rem ammo for sale, Tula 223 hollow point, 223 Remington hunting ammo
- _CustomLongDesc:
- The TULA TA223552 223REM 55HP 20 by Tula Ammo is a top-tier choice for those seeking reliable and effective 223 Remington ammo for hunting and target shooting. This Tula 223 ammunition is crafted with precision, featuring a 55-grain hollow point desi
- _Capacity:
- 20
- _BulletWeight:
- 55
- _CustomShortDesc:
- The TULA TA223552 223REM 55HP 20 offers reliable Tula 223 55gr hollow point ammo for hunting and target shooting. Buy 223 Rem ammo for sale now!
- _Quantity:
- 20