- Quantity:
- 20
- FFL_Required:
- false
- ffl_type:
- ammo
- _BulletWeight:
- 125
- _CustomShortDesc:
- The Remington HD38SBN 125 BJHP 38 Special ammo offers reliable self-defense with superior expansion and stopping power. Perfect for personal protection.
- _Capacity:
- 20
- _SEOKeywords:
- Remington HD38SBN, Remington 125 BJHP, Remington ammunition, Remington HD38SBN ammo, Remington 38 special, Remington 38 special ammo, Remington 38 BJHP, Remington handgun ammo, Remington 38 caliber, Remington self-defense ammo.
- _CustomLongDesc:
- The Remington HD38SBN 125 BJHP 20 is a premium choice for those seeking reliable and effective self-defense ammunition. Crafted by the renowned brand Remington, this 38 Special ammo is designed to deliver exceptional performance and precision. The Re
- _Quantity:
- 20