- Quantity:
- 20
- FFL_Required:
- False
- ffl_type:
- ammo
- _BulletWeight:
- 190
- _SEOKeywords:
- .300 AAC Blackout ammo, subsonic rifle ammunition, Maxim Defense ammo, 190 grain bullet, solid copper spun bullet, lead-free rifle ammo, reloadable brass case, non-corrosive primer, 20 round ammo box, high-performance rifle ammo
- _CustomShortDesc:
- The Maxim .300 BLK Sub-Sonic Ammo offers 190-grain solid copper bullets, lead-free, reloadable brass, and non-corrosive primers for top performance.
- _CustomLongDesc:
- The Maxim .300 BLK Sub-Sonic Rifle Ammo - 190 Grain | TUI | 20rd Box is a top-tier choice for shooters seeking high-performance rifle ammunition that combines precision with environmental responsibility. Crafted by Maxim Defense, this .300 AAC Blacko
- _Capacity:
- 20
- _Quantity:
- 20