- Quantity:
- 50
- FFL_Required:
- false
- ffl_type:
- ammo
- _Quantity:
- 50
- _BulletWeight:
- 115
- _CustomShortDesc:
- The CEN 9MM 115GR LC FMJ 50 by Century Arms offers reliable, affordable 9mm ammo for target practice and range sessions. Buy bulk 9mm ammunition now!
- _CustomLongDesc:
- The CEN 9MM 115GR LC FMJ 50 by Century Arms is a top choice for firearm enthusiasts seeking reliable and affordable 9mm ammo. This 9mm full metal jacket ammunition is designed for optimal performance, making it an excellent option for both novice and
- _SEOKeywords:
- 9mm ammo, Century Arms 9mm, 115 grain FMJ, 9mm full metal jacket, bulk 9mm ammunition, 9mm target rounds, Century Arms ammunition, 9mm range ammo, 9mm pistol ammo, affordable 9mm bullets
- _Capacity:
- 50