- Quantity:
- 500
- FFL_Required:
- False
- ffl_type:
- ammo
- _BulletWeight:
- 115
- _CustomShortDesc:
- The Blazer Brass 9mm 115gr FMJ 500rd Box offers reliable, affordable 9mm target ammo with reloadable brass for efficient practice and training.
- _Capacity:
- 500
- _CustomLongDesc:
- The Blazer Brass 9mm 115gr FMJ 500rd Box is the ideal choice for shooters seeking reliable and affordable 9mm ammo for target practice and training sessions. Manufactured by Blazer, this 9mm Luger ammunition is designed with reloadable brass cases, e
- _SEOKeywords:
- 9mm ammo, Blazer Brass 9mm, 9mm target ammo, 9mm FMJ ammo, 9mm Luger ammunition, bulk 9mm ammo, 9mm reloading brass, affordable 9mm ammo, 9mm practice rounds, Blazer 9mm 500 rounds
- _Quantity:
- 500